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Iris Woods on Memoranda in the Parish Officers' Accounts

In 'The Devon Historian Vol 14' (Spring 1977), the journal of the Devon History Society, Iris Woods writes about memoranda that she has found in the Parish Officers' Accounts, i.e. in the Churchwardens' and Overseers' Accounts.

She notes that there are no minutes of decisions taken, or at least no surviving record, as has been noted in the Welfare in Widecombe book. However, some of the decisions taken were noted in the account books in the form of memoranda and Mrs Woods draws our attention to a few of these.

Some of the items mentioned are also mentioned in the Welfare book (such as the penalty and retribution for the accidental killing of a hare).

The article can be viewed in full by going to the Devon Historian Journal Archive and choosing Volume 14. Mrs Woods' article starts on page 17.

By way of an aside, Freda Wilkinson has written an interesting article on 'The Dartmoor Husbandmen' starting on page 5 of the same publication.

Source: Devon Historian Journal Archive